Sean Corpstein Moderates Panel About Parenting and the Legal Profession

Des Moines, Iowa

Attorney Sean Corpstein was the moderator with Judge Gina Badding, Iowa Court of Appeals, and Manuel A. Cornell, Dorsey & Whitney LLP, where they discussed parenting and the legal profession.

The panel touched on topics including:

  • The importance of institutional support from organizations to attract and maintain talented attorneys;
  • Strategies to find a balance between professional work, family engagement, and self-care;
  • Navigating the legal profession as a new parent;
  • Finding community in your firm and outside; and
  • The best way to communicate as a lawyer and parent.

Polk County Bar Association Fall General Practice CLE

The CLE was held on Thursday, November 10 and Corpstein hosted the event as the PCBA CLE co-chair.

for more information

Learn more about the Polk County Bar Association at their website



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